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How can we help you?

Are you a landlord looking to seismically retrofit your apartment building? Or the owner of a commercial building, worried about the loss of business you might face when the next earthquake hits?

Maybe you are a homeowner who wants an estimate on what it will take to make your family safer.

Daly Construction is a family run business that has completed dozens of seismic retrofits. We are well versed in navigating the complex permitting process, working with our, or your, engineer on drawings and completing the work efficiently and effectively.

We cover all the permitting and inspections to get your foundation squared away.

Connor Daly Construction offers the following range of services:

Commercial Seismic Retrofits

A commercial earthquake retrofit may require a series of structural modifications and improvements to enhance the seismic resistance and overall safety of a building.

Mandated Seismic Retrofits

Become compliant with the San Francisco Mandatory Soft Story Retrofit Program. Dozens of projects completed already.

Residential Seismic Retrofits

A residential earthquake retrofit typically involves some modification of the building using tools and techniques to make it more resistant to earthquakes.

Contact Us


Mon to Fri: 8:00 – 5:00




Connor Daly Construction